DC, Maryland and Virginia’s Premier OBGYN

Our team is committed to providing you the best possible care in obstetrics and gynecology.

OBGYN in Rockville and Germantown, MD

Providing Premier OBGYN Care to Women in Rockville and Germantown, MD

At Capital Women’s Care, we strive to provide quality healthcare designed specifically for women. With an ongoing commitment to advancing women’s healthcare, we utilize the latest services and technologies to ensure that our patients receive the best possible healthcare. Our dedication to women is unrivaled, evident through our patient satisfaction scores, and our extensive ObGyn services. Your health is our highest priority. Make an appointment with one of our highly skilled gynecology and obstetrics specialists so we can help guide you through your health journey. 

We offer a wide range of women’s healthcare services for women of all ages. No matter what stage of life you are in, Capital Women’s Care is here to provide the highest quality, comprehensive care you deserve. The professional staff of nurses, doctors, and midwives at Capital Women’s Care take the time to listen to your questions and concerns, to give you care as unique as you are. To provide the women of our communities with accessible care, we also offer virtual visits and other alternative appointment options so you can see your provider when you need them.

We proudly provide delivery services at Shady Grove Medical Center located in Northwest DC.

cherry blossom

Well Woman Exams

An annual well woman exam is important at any stage of womanhood.


Care tailored to your individual needs before, during, and after your pregnancy.


3D ultrasound images allow us to assess the height, length, and width of the baby.

Intrauterine Devices (IUD)

Learn why so many women are choosing IUDs as their method of birth control.

What Our Patients Are Saying

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In-house Lab Testing

Welcome to Capital Women’s Care, where we take pride in being an OBGYN practice equipped with an in-house lab for comprehensive testing. Our goal is to provide you with convenient and seamless care, ensuring that our gynecologists in Rockville and Germantown, MD have access to a comprehensive profile of your overall health.

By offering in-house lab testing, we eliminate the need for you to visit multiple locations to have your blood drawn for testing. The results of your blood work are seamlessly transferred to our dedicated OBGYN team in Rockville and Germantown, MD, ensuring a streamlined experience.

older woman standing with arms crossed

The Latest from Capital Women's Care

Young woman patient with a senior gynecologist during the consultation in the gynecological office.

The Five Main Types of Gynecologic Cancers and How They’re Treated

When thinking about the main types of gynecologic cancers, the most important factor for women is to “know your normal.” Signs and symptoms can be different for each woman, so if you are aware of what is normal for you, it will be easier to spot any changes and catch problems early. With that thought

pregnant woman sitting on couch.

How to Protect Your Immune System in Winter: Pregnancy Edition

Winter brings colder temperatures, shorter days, and often, an increase in colds and flu. For those who are pregnant, protecting the immune system during these months is especially important.  Pregnancy naturally makes your immune system work harder, so taking extra steps to stay healthy can be beneficial for both you and your growing baby. In

woman with c section scar.

C-Section Recovery in Winter: Practical Tips for Staying Comfortable

Recovering from a C-section is a unique experience that requires extra care, and winter can present its own set of challenges. Cold weather, holiday gatherings, and limited sunlight can all impact your comfort and recovery process. Here’s a guide with practical winter-specific tips to help you stay comfortable, manage guests, and focus on healing.